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Chefvys (Yaba)

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  • 01 761 6306
  • 0805 516 6570
20 Hughes Avenue, Alagomeji, Yaba, Lagos
  • 1 Review
  • 0 Photos
  • 0 Menus
  • Highlights

    Dine Out, Take-away
  • Cuisines

  • Features

    • Great for Groups
    • Great for Kids
    • PoS
  • Opening Hours

    Show a Week
    • Wed08:00 am - 10:00 pm
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    • Mon08:00 am - 10:00 pm
    • Tue08:00 am - 10:00 pm
    • Wed08:00 am - 10:00 pmToday
    • Thu08:00 am - 10:00 pm
    • Fri08:00 am - 10:00 pm
    • Sat08:00 am - 10:00 pm
    • Sun08:00 am - 10:00 pm
  • Cost

    ₦ 2,000 for 2 persons (approx.)

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Reviews for Chefvys (Yaba)

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    3 reviews4 helpful votes

    A family member recommended this location where she used to order food for convenience and I remember eventually trying out mostly just snacks which I found tastier when the owner first relocated to Nigeria. Years later I ordered rice dishes a few times, but it wasn't until I visited that neighbourhood more on recent trips that it was very evident that some things definitely stuck out.

    First of all, the food at Chefvys was definitely tastier, I definitely preferred their food to their competitor's around the corner and I had never suffered food poisoning eating any of their food. The crew is always friendly, the bathroom's always clean, which is usually an indicator of a restaurant's kitchen.

    I tend to stick to simple dishes of rice during my travel home, and the food dishes I've tried are always tasty, and I tend to order mostly fish and sometimes beef with tthe rice. Sometimes though the Jollof rice was a little oily, but this is not a constant problem and a forgivable concern. For the first time, on my last trip, I tasted the "Efo Riro" (vegetable stew) a food dish I usually avoid eating outside my own house and was pleasantly surprised it was quite tasty. I tried it out 1 or 2 more times before travelling back and would definitely try it again on a future trip home.

    The owner is definitely a pride to those who choose the safety and satisfaction of her patrons over financial gain. The food choices at Chefvys have expanded without necessarily compromising the quality of dishes and on my last trip home, I realized new locations have been opened.

    I would definitely recommend this eatery.

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